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  6128 C9000877 ASYER ASYER TRAD Normal 688 FUKUDA DENSHI ID - BME Services FARHAN MUQAFFI Some Cust. Reference... 13445/MT/Q Project SO90007197 UG90007394 UG90007394 AR-UG90007394 -1-ID Closed 26/8/2023 30 30%DP,70%4M 26/8/2023 20/9/2023 IDR V11 100,000,000 30,000,000 0 0 - - - - - - - - 0 Current EUREKA 30/8/2023 All doc handovered Due date Jakarta Jakarta Eric Agus Activity Remarks 3 -28/8/2023 ar activity list SSP 5 31/8/2023 1/10/2023 5 0 0 - - - - - - - - 0 Cus feedback remark 1
cusfeedback remark 2
cusfeedback remark 3
Cus feedback remark 3 Current Charges 10,000.00 10,000.00 Paid WHT & denda 10/9/2023 0
  6128 C9000877 ASYER ASYER TRAD Normal 688 FUKUDA DENSHI ID - BME Services FARHAN MUQAFFI Some Cust. Reference... 13445/MT/Q Project SO90007197 UG90007394 UG90007394 AR-UG90007394 -2-ID Open 26/8/2023 30 30%DP,70%4M 26/8/2023 20/9/2023 IDR V11 100,000,000 11,000,000 59,000,000 59,000,000 - - - - - - - - 59,000,000 Current EUREKA 30/8/2023 All doc handovered Due date Jakarta Jakarta Eric Agus Activity Remarks 3 -28/8/2023 ar activity list SSP 5 31/8/2023 1/10/2023 5 59,000,000 59,000,000 - - - - - - - - 59,000,000 Cus feedback remark 1
cusfeedback remark 2
cusfeedback remark 2 Current FOC - - Paid DOC 10/9/2023 59,000,000
  6128 C8007155 CV. GRACIA ESTETIKA FBC AESTHETIC & REVITALIZATION CENTER TRAD Normal 757 GE Healthcare - LCS ID - BME Services WAHYUDI BIN SAYID Some Cust. Reference... 13565/MT/Q Project SO90007187 UG90007379 UG90007379 AR-UG90007379 -1-ID Open 27/8/2023 30 - 27/8/2023 20/9/2023 IDR V11 36,408,000 32,144,000 4,264,000 4,264,000 - - - - - - - - 4,264,000 Current EUREKA 30/8/2023 All doc handovered Due date Jakarta Jakarta Eric Agus Activity Remarks 3 -28/8/2023 ar activity list SSP 4 31/8/2023 1/10/2023 5 4,264,000 4,264,000 - - - - - - - - 4,264,000 Cus feedback remark 1 Cus feedback remark 1 Current Charges 14,000 7,000 Paid Bank charges 10/9/2023 4,264,000
  6128 C8007787 DR. DEVITA HORAX DEVITA HORAX DR TRAD Normal 757 GE Healthcare - LCS ID - Eastern Region WAHYUDI BIN SAYID Some Cust. Reference... 14345/MT/Q Project SO90007193 UG90007380 UG90007380 AR-UG90007380 -1-ID Open 19/7/2023 30 - 20/8/2023 20/9/2023 IDR V11 24,725,250 725,250 24,000,000 - - 24,000,000 - - - - - - 24,725,250 31-60 days EUREKA 20/7/2023 All doc handovered Due date Makassar Makassar Lilian Rikki Activity Remarks 3 -20/7/2023 ar activity list POSSIBLE TO GET 2 21/7/2023 22/8/2023 -36 24,000,000 - - 24,000,000 - - - - - - 24,725,250 Cus feedback remark 1
cusfeedback remark 2
Cus feedback remark 2 31-60 days Charges 5,250 2,250 Paid VAT 30/7/2023 24,725,250
  6128 C8011321 DR.ANNA RAHMAWATI ANNA RAHMAWATI DR TRAD Normal 757 GE Healthcare - LCS ID - Eastern Region WAHYUDI BIN SAYID Some Cust. Reference... 12345/MT/Q Sales order SO90007241 UG90007426 UG90007426 AR-UG90007426 -1-ID Open 26/6/2023 30 - 26/7/2023 20/9/2023 IDR V11 204,621,625 - 204,621,625 - - - 204,621,625 - - - - - 204621625 61-90 days EUREKA 28/6/2023 All doc handovered Due date Surabaya Surabaya Dian Deny Activity Remarks 3 -28/6/2023 ar activity list POSSIBLE TO GET 3 29/6/2023 30/7/2023 -61 204,621,625 2,046,216,250 - - 204,621,625 - - - - - 204,621,625 Cus feedback remark 1 Cus feedback remark 1 61-90 days - 4,621,625 - - 7/7/2023 204,621,625
  6128 C8009333 EVI SUSANTI EVI SUSANTI TRAD Normal 757 GE Healthcare - LCS ID - Eastern Region ELSYE OLIVIA PATTINAJA Some Cust. Reference... 13345/MT/Q Sales order SO90007198 UG90007413 UG90007413 AR-UG90007413 -1-ID Open 26/9/2022 30 - 26/10/2022 20/9/2023 IDR V11 155,003,710 140,912,464 14,091,246 - - - - - - - 14,091,246 - 14091246 271-365 days EUREKA 28/9/2022 All doc handovered Due date Jakarta Jakarta Eric Agus Activity Remarks 3 -28/9/2023 ar activity list POSSIBLE TO GET 3 29/9/2022 30/10/2022 -322 14,091,246 - - - - - - - 14,091,246 - 14,091,246 Cus feedback remark 1 Cus feedback remark 1 271-365 days Charges 12,464 12,464 Paid Zakat 11/10/2022 14,091,246
  6128 C8008276 HIZKIA HIZKIA DR TRAD Normal 757 GE Healthcare - LCS ID - Eastern Region WAHYUDI BIN SAYID Some Cust. Reference... 13445/MT/Q Project SO90007216 UG90007393 UG90007393 AR-UG90007393 -1-ID Open 29/8/2023 30 - 29/8/2023 20/9/2023 IDR V11 36,507,900 - 36,507,900 36,507,900 36,507,900 - - - - - - - 36,507,900 Current EUREKA 31/8/2023 All doc handovered Due date Bandung Bandung Wawan Asep Activity Remarks 3 -28/8/2023 ar activity list POSSIBLE TO GET 3 1/9/2023 1/10/2023 5 36,507,900 36,507,900 - - - - - - - - 36,507,900 Cus feedback remark 1
cusfeedback remark 2
cusfeedback remark 3
Cus feedback remark 3 Current - 7,900 - - 11/9/2023 36,507,900
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