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Message Type Message Content ARC Branch Received Datetime
Handover Change Request New change request CR001 (UG90007395) is pending approval for changing handover date. Jakarta 10/9/2023
Invoice Acceptance Change Request

Change request CR001 (UG90007395) is approved by Berseda HQ.

Invoice (UG90007395) is pending approval by SOM HQ for changing invoice acceptance date.

Jakarta 10/9/2023
Invoice Acceptance Change Request

Change request CR001 (UG90007395) is approved,

UG90007395's ARC Status changed to On Hold Status.

Jakarta 10/9/2023
Invoice Acceptance Change Request Success to save change BR001's Unapplied Finance to Yes in D365. Jakarta 9/9/2023
Invoice Acceptance message content Jakarta 9/9/2023
Invoice Acceptance message content Jakarta 9/9/2023
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